of viable microorganisms
& viruses
NanoLogix®, Inc. is a biotechnology company specializing in rapid diagnostics of viable microorganisms and viruses. We supply petri plates in various agars featuring a unique vacuum FlatPack® flushed in argon gas. This provides an exceptionally long shelf-life. In addition to medical, national defense, and homeland security applications, NanoLogix technology is applicable in pharmaceutical, industrial, veterinary and environmental testing. Patents granted or licensed to NanoLogix can be used in the areas of applied microbiology, soil microbiology and bioremediation, microbial physiology, pharmacology, pharmaco-kinetics, and antibiotic sensitivity.
Stock Symbol: NNLX

Rapid Viral Assay
While the initial focus for development was for the COVID-19 virus, it became obvious that the technology is not limited to one virus, but can be configured for many different viruses, such as HIV, HPV, Hepatitis, MERS, SARS-1 and others. As per the patent filing, the description is “Without Limitation”.
Testing for COVID-19: Why current testing strategies don’t work
Nanologix on WKBN27

N-Assay Diagnostics
The N-Assay Diagnostic furnishes the ability to detect and identify bacteria and other microorganisms in record time and provide a nearly simultaneous determination of their antibiotic resistance with unparalleled sensitivity. It was unveiled at the 2016 Central Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Annual Meeting in October, 2016, winning the Judges’ Choice Award for poster presentation of: Development of a Novel Antibody-Based Assay for Simultaneous Identification of a Pathogen and Determination of its Antimicrobial Susceptibility. That presentation demonstrated the capability of the N-Assay for use against Group B Streptococcus, Gonorrhea, and Enterococcus.

Live Cell Diagnostics
NanoLogix® NanoLogix FlatPack packaging allows for an extended shelf-life for our Petri plates that is frequently more than double today’s standard. In ongoing shelf-life tests, NanoLogix Petri plates containing TSA media in FlatPacks® have maintained viability for nutrient and moisture levels for over three years in cold storage and over two years at room temperature (RT), as compared to 3-1/2 months of useable shelf life for competitive products that require refrigeration. Other agars have their usable shelf lives extended by varying amounts. NanoLogix plates can be used for isolating microorganisms, total plate count, and for maintaining stock cultures. All of the Petri plates NanoLogix produces are packaged in FlatPack packaging to ensure the longest useable shelf life.
Company Updates
Update on the Development and Use of the recently Patented COVID-19 Detection Technology
The Company is pleased to announce the achievement of certain milestones in their initial phase of commercialization for the Rapid Viral Assay (RVA).
Those are:
1. Successful Detection of irradiated (inactive) COVID-19 virus and its associated Spike Protein.
2. Non-Detection of Heat-Killed COVID-19 virus.
3. Limits of Detection (LOD) in the range of 10 Nanograms per milliliter of sample in 20 minutes.
What do these mean?
The RVA, unlike PCR technology, detects the whole virus and will not react to the presence of dead or nonpathogenic viral particles. This essentially eliminates false positives. (More routine testing such as PCR is plagued by false positives, due to the inability of PCR to distinguish between fragments of inactive virus and intact virus.)
Sub-1-Hour Covid-19 Detection Technology Patent Pending Update
NanoLogix is pleased to announce we have received a notification, dated 06/03/20, from the US Patent and Trademark Office stating the application has been granted Prioritized Status under the new COVID-19 Prioritized Examination Pilot Program.
NanoLogix Seeks Development & Marketing Partner for Their Sub 1-Hour COVID-19 Detection Tests
NanoLogix, Inc. (OTC: NNLX), an innovator in the rapid detection and identification of viruses and bacteria, is seeking a partner or partners for obtaining FDA Emergency Use Authorization, if required, and for development and marketing of their sub 1-hour COVID-19 Point of Care modified-ELISA detection test. This Rapid Viral Assay can also be configured for other viruses, such as, but not limited to, HIV, HPV, Hepatitis, MERS, and SARS-1. A Home-Test version of the COVID-19 test has the potential of 30-minute results using a nasopharyngeal swab or saliva samples.
NanoLogix and COVID-19 Testing News
Realizing that many of our shareholders are from areas where they may not be aware of news coverage of NanoLogix developments, the Company is pleased to present the following links to articles written and interviews done during the month of May.
NanoLogix Sub 1-Hour Covid-19 Detection Test Now Patent Pending—Patent Application Filed Under New COVID-19 Prioritized Examination Pilot Program
NanoLogix is pleased to announce the filing of a patent application for use in the rapid testing of the Covid-19 virus. The application was filed under a new program instituted May 14th by the US Patent and Trademark Office. Now that Patent Pending status has been obtained, we can reveal aspects of the technology that we were unable to mention in a prior update.
This Rapid Viral Assay is a modified ELISA technology that is not the same as our N-Assay modified ELISA. While the initial focus for development was for the COVID-19 virus, it became obvious that the technology is not limited to one virus, but can be configured for many different viruses, such as HIV, HPV, Hepatitis, MERS, SARS-1 and others. As per the patent filing, the description is “Without Limitation”.
NanoLogix Develops Sub 1-Hour Coronavirus 19 Detection Technology and Welcomes James Rogers, PhD as Chief Science Officer
Last week NanoLogix completed development testing of a unique Coronavirus (COVID-19) detection technology with sub 1-hour results and exceptional sensitivity and accuracy. The technology has the potential to be configured as a Point of Care (POC) and also for individual consumer use. The development work was performed in the NanoLogix Laboratory in Hubbard, Ohio. More information on the technology will be released in the near future.
N-Assay To Be Presented at AACC Annual Meeting
NanoLogix is pleased to announce that the N-Assay Bacteria Diagnostic, recently configured for detection and identification of a rare Deinococcus bacteria species, will be presented in poster format at the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) 69th Annual Scientific Meeting and Clinical Lab Expo, to be held at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California from July 30th through August 3rd, 2017. Dr. Jonathan Faro, MD, PhD and others associated with the development will be present for the poster session.
Press Release: NanoLogix Technology Being Configured For Rapid Ebola Virus Detection
HUBBARD, Ohio–(BUSINESS WIRE)–NanoLogix Inc. (NNLX), an innovative biotechnology company in Northeastern Ohio announces that it is configuring its N-Assay Rapid diagnostic kits for both Ebola Virus and Enterovirus detection and identification. NanoLogix CEO Bret Barnhizer stated, “The Company has been aware of the virus detection capabilities of the technology since the N-Assay development. Viruses viewed as public health concerns prior to Ebola and Enterovirus were Influenza, the common cold, and HIV, none of which have an immediate or near-immediate threat of mortality.
Group B Strep Clinical Study (University of Texas Health Science Center)
NanoLogix Group B Streptococcus Quick Test technology is currently undergoing a 300-patient clinical study at the University of Texas Health Science Center (UTHSC). Preliminary results published in the American Journal of Perinatology (August 2011) “Rapid Diagnostic Test for Identifying Group B Streptococcus” verify that NanoLogix technology provides rapid detection and identification of viable Group B Strep (GBS) bacteria in as little as 4 hours using NanoLogix BNP and BNF Quick Test technology. This is in marked contrast to the 48 to 72 hours required by current methods.
NanoLogix, Inc.
843 North Main Street
Hubbard, OH 44425 USA